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How to create a secure passphrase
  • Choose a phrase that's easy for you to remember, but tough for someone else to guess.
  • Don't use any of your personal information like birthdays, names (including pet names) or favourite sports teams.
  • Pick something between 15 and 128 characters in length. You can use lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers and most common special characters.
  • Make use of special characters like spaces and punctuation. For example:
     ” # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ \
  • Don't repeat sequential letters on the keyboard like 'qwerty' or the same character repeated in a row like 'aaa' or '111'.

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Example: http://dmas.uvic.ca

 Atmospheric Sciences
 Climate Sciences
 Ocean Sciences
 Social Sciences

Short-form Privacy Statement and Collection

Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) is committed to providing our staff, advisors, partners, collaborators and general public with websites that respect their privacy. This page summarizes the organization's privacy policy and practices.

The Ocean Networks Canada website does not automatically gather any personal information from you, such as your name, phone number, or e-mail address. This information is only obtained if you provide it voluntarily, through contacting us via e-mail or as part of becoming a registered user.

Any personal information you do provide is managed according to the British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and ONC's Privacy Policy. The collection of personal information by Ocean Networks Canada is in accordance with Section 26 of the FIPPA and the University Act. ONC uses the personal information collected for the purposes of providing research, educational and technological services.

If you have questions regarding the FIPPA, please e-mail foipp@uvic.ca. For questions regarding Ocean Networks Canada's privacy policy and other legal notices, please contact: privacy@oceannetworks.ca or (250) 721- 7231.

For further information on the privacy policy of Ocean Networks Canada, refer to our Legal Notices.